Western Stoneware Company Western Stoneware
Western Stoneware Art

Ma​king Ceramics Since 1859
Ma​king Ceramics Since 1859
WS Ceramic Art Timeline infographic
WS Ceramic Art Timeline infographic

Note: Alternate text for this video.
This infographic has no sound. It plays a timeline of the creations of Western Stoneware with words and an images. The entire infographic is 16 seconds long.
WS Ceramic Art Timeline infographic
​A teal background comes up as the maple leaf with Western Stoneware in the middle fades in. The logo stops on the left and Ceramic Art Timeline appears on the right side. Both fade as the first information appears for 1927. The background remains teal with a transparency added of the Egyptian pottery design.
1. The first timeline item fades in "WS Art Dept. Created 1927" the image is of the Egyptian design Stoneware large vases. they are brown and black or a dark brown is in the design. The image fades as the timeline grows.
2. The second timeline title comes in from the bottom "Eva Zeisel Designs appear along with 1940 through 1950". The image displayed of a duck teapot, duck gravy bowl, a plate with horses glazed on it and a bowl from this collection. This image fades out quickly and the new image on the timeline fades in.
3. Third in the popup timeline is the words "Floral vase 1970" appears. and 1 made in 1970. The image fades in and is one tall glossy black tall tubular vase and one red kettle shaped item with a metal handle. The image fades as the next items in the timeline begin to come up.
4. The fourth timeline item is items created at the lab during 1990. The title is "The Lab 1990" as the image appears. Pottery pictured are figurines: a cracked white egg ceramic and a small yellow chicken who goes inside the egg. An Angel playing a trumpet and a small brown squirrel. The image fades and the next phase in the timeline comings in.
5. The fifth item in the time is the new creation of the "Digital Ceramic art" with "2014". A graphic photo of a double exposure appears. A grey tiger cat image is double exposed with a ceramic Egyptian cat. The image fades leaving the years and the creation titles with the Western Stoneware maple leaf logo in the upper right corner.
Again, no sound or music is on this video.